100% Grass-Fed & Grass-Finished Lamb

All certified organic feeds & feedstuffs

Delicious Mild Tasting Lamb

Katahdins are a hair sheep (not wool) and have a lovely mild taste to their meat. We’ve bred for a larger frame – without relying on any grain, just pasture and hay – where lambs can reach a hanging weight of 60-65 pounds in 9 months. This helps our customers get more pounds per processing fee at the meat locker.

Super Worm Resistant

We have developed the genetics in our flock that can “out-run the worms.” They are primarily Katahdin, with 1 generation of Dorper (he brought the color). We deworm with only certified organic apple cider vinegar in their water – and adequate pasture rotation. Ewes consistently throw twins and triplets, coming in off pasture with ample cover and a positive energy balance to throw off multiple viable eggs.

Pasture Hardy

Our sheep rotate through pasture that has trees in every paddock to provide shade & relief from summer heat. Winters are spent up closer to the farm house, with ample room in port-a-huts to stretch out in during severe weather breaks. Even at -30°F, the bedded port-a-huts stay above freezing with great air quality..

Contact us if you need to add healthy, low maintenance, & profitable sheep to your pastures.